Cinnamon Lotus Originals

Cinnamon Lotus Originals

Monday, April 4, 2011

Adorable Personalized Block Letter Names

Several years ago when my niece,  Emily,  was little,  I saw these awesome big block wooden letters at a local craft store.  And since I was big into rub-on transfers at the time,  I decided to buy some and decorate them for her.  What little girl doesn't want her room personalized with her name done up all fancy and cute?
A couple of years ago,  Emily's big sis,  Tiffney,  asked me to make the name of her daughter,  Sophie.  I bought some and collected a bunch of new-fangled Vinyl rub-ons.  Unfortunately,  over a short period of time those vinyl things peeled right off.  Frustrated,  I threw them away.  The letters,  I mean.  (I get discouraged sometimes...)
Anyway,  since Tiff asked me for the letters,  another niece has been born and Sophie's little sister is due April 15th!  I rolled up my sleeves,  assumed an adult attitude (with a childlike imagination),  refined my limited painting skills and got to work!I painted these three names differently...with gradient color from dark to light.  I added swirls in an antique gold paint,  highlighted with permanent ink and embellished with funky and colorful polymer clay flowers (that I made - some with glitter!!!) and little dots of bright puff-paints.  I love the end results!  Take a look,  see what you think.  Much better than rub-on transfers...

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