It must be several years since I saw a disquieting picture of a honey-coated band-aid as I was flipping through a magazine. I was disturbed yet somehow intrigued, curious enough to read the article. I was astonished and impressed by the wealth of knowledge imparted by the piece. I was also inspired. I took the tub of raw honey that a friend had given me out of the cupboard and began experimenting.
I added it to my pure vegetable glycerin soap, to my goat milk soap. I slopped a ladle full into crocks of shaving soap, and added a small amount to my all natural lip balm. (None of these are my original ideas) And of course, I ate some!!!!! That tub of honey collected from hives placed in local organic apple orchards was worth almost as much as gold to me!!! My favorite natural soap is a vegetable glycerin base augmented with goat milk, a small amount of shea butter, local honey, and topped off with lavender, tangerine (or orange) and chamomile essential oils. This makes the most beautiful silky smooth ivory colored bar. The PERFECT white soap.
Anyway, please find below a list of some of the many therapeutic uses of honey collected from various and sundry magazine articles and sources on the web:
- Anxiety, nervous tension, insomnia.
Relieves pain and cough, asthma, and some allergies (not for those allergic to bees and bee by-products).
- Hang-overs, fatigue.
- Treats burns, promotes healing, clears and prevents infection and scarring, found to be effective in the treatment of
multi-resistant strain bacteria.
- Enhances longevity, (treats impotence!)
- Stomach ulcers, gastroenteritis, and other digestive issues.
Honey is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-irritant, an antioxidant, a humectant, and can be used as a cleanser and toner when applied to skin. It can be used in soap, lip balm, cleansers, sunscreen, moisturizers, facial scrubs, facial masks, and myriad other cosmetic and beauty applications.
Not only is it delicious AND healthful, it’s natural perfection. A cure for all that ails us.
…Did I mention that it tastes delicious?
Sorry about the really bad blog formatting. I'm having problems either with my browser, or possibly with Blogger!